Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Got One Joe ......Get Some Moe

Not even Al Jazira could hope to believe that we would buy a G.I. Joe action figure as a real life captive. I haven`t laughed so hard since they locked up the Iraqi Information Minister. What is this supposed to prove? I am sure anyone with eyes would recognize the "captive" as being a childs toy. Not only did it make the terrorists look pathetic in our eyes, it made them look foolish in the eyes of the people they are trying to convince that terrorism and intimidation is a way of life they can all embrase. If this is as good as it gets turn in yer gear the freakin war is over .......damn dumb towel heads

1 comment:

Saphyre Rose said...

They tried to get Barbie, but her boobs wouldn't fit under a burkha!