Wednesday, August 30, 2006

~ One Year Later ~

For lack of something better to watch on the ol boob tube (you wouldn't imagine that that would be possible since i have about a hundred gazillion stations) I settled on a one year anniversery revisiting on New Orleans,and the damage done by hurricane Katrina. The progress they have made is deplorable. This is due mainly to the folks just not wanting to do the work of cleaning up what was left and actually setting hammer to nail and rebuilding what has been left them.I honestly have not ever seen a bigger bunch of whining complaining folks in my life. The show highlighted certain victems and where they are now. There was a older ,disabled (legless) man who was stuck between the eve of his home and a huge ammount of flotsam from the flood. His dog was trapped on the peak of his roof. He was calling out for help and finally a boat came by and heard his calls. This was a small john boat with three guys in it already. They went to the fella that was stuck and got him unstuck and pulled him onto the roof so they could pull him into the boat. After much effort they finally get the guy in the boat and he is in deplorable condition. He is nakie as the day he was born,legless, beat up from the debri in the flood water and the rescuers dragging his naked body up and onto a shingle roof after his skin was tenderized by the flood water for about a day or so.They finally get this "gentleman" in the boat and he states...." I want you to go back and get my dog" They try to calm him and tell him there is only room for humans on the boat and they promised to come back for the pooch if they were able.This did not set well but considering the circumstances there was little he could do. The show cuts to current time The rescuers ,true to their word do get the dog and somehow manage to reunite them The "gentleman" who was rescued, whos life was saved, who was snatched from a watery grave,states one year later.........The rescuers could of done a better job and got my dog out of trouble before they did. ................EXCUSE ME?????
these unpaid people risked life and limb to help out a unknown human and all this guy was concerned with a year later was criticizing his rescuers and absolutely negating their effort in saving his wretched life. That in and of itself is the problem in New Orleans. The citizenry thinks someone ,anyone, everyone owes them whatever it takes to get things set up to their liking again. I was in a flood.....twice. I chose to live along a river fault for what I get. My problem trying to re claim my effort for my choice. And our neighbors in chocolate town need to understand that when they pick it up and fix it themselves ,at that time ,and only that time will things be back to normal in New Orleans.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

~ As Time Goes By ~

Another week has passed with no response from the "Good Doctor" . If our health care system were any better I would swear we were under "Socialized Medicine." I would not believe what is happening in my case if I read it in a BLOG somewheres but the sad truth is, I am living it and getting angrier by the moment. I will attempt to fight my way through the voice -mail world of my physcian, and find out what is going on . If I am lucky enough, perhaps this week comming up, I will know something that is fit for reporting or at least I will have something further to rant about next week. Oh by the way does anyone know a site that will walk you through do -it- yourself- gut surgery? Well you can't blame a guy for trying.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

~There Has To Be A Better Way~

I, at one time,had faith in our medical community. I knew in my heart that they either would, or did, do anything that was within realms of possibilities for them to do.In this process of arrainging this gastric by-pass surgery for me, I have learned a lot of lessons. Sadly none of them have given me much hope for myself or any of you out there that are facing a medical problem yourselves.
For you folks who have been kind enough to read my postings. You know that my next and final step prior to surgery was a psycological evaluation to see if in fact that I am doing this "for the right reasons." I understand that weighing nearly 400 lbs and being only 5`6" tall may NOT be clue enough for someone who is a true medical professional,so rather than making a error in judgement and passing me on through, I was in fact required to see "Da Shrink" That meeting, although a major farce, and a collosal waste of my time, and money, went as well as could be expected. She decided that I was in fact moral enough to sit on the group "W" bench with all the other mother killers and father rapers, and passed me with flying colors.
And heres the rub Horatio.........I waited four days before I called for a additional appointment with the surgeon prior to surgery. I called the main office and attempted to set it up with no success. I was told my case was refered to another physcian who was a "specialist" in the type of by-pass surgery that I required and was given her number and told to call them. Needless to say I complied and reached her secretarys voice mail. She left a lovely electronic message on her voicemail that more or less wanted to know all my particulars and only simply stated that she was either away from her desk or on another line and that she would get back to me.
Not wanting to blow up her voicemail, I waited the rest of the day for her to return my call. Mind you this is a call from a "sick" patient. I also waited all of the next day and the next. I, at that point, placed another call and finally got.....................SUPRISE.....her voice mail. I left still another message and she in-fact called back.Our conversation went something like this.......I see you had your psyc evaluation here a few days ago and everything is fine with that BUT (and that is a big ol butt you got there) I need you to get a lot of other testing done prior to seeing the doctor. I replyed....What do you mean? I have been examined ,poked,prodded, turned inside out, put in so much stress as to nearly have a heart attack to proove I am fit enough to have this surgery, and now you want "a lot" more testing. Well sorry sir but these things need to be done first. I said ok what are these things. She stated ....blah blah blah I replyed with those results have been forwarded to your office a week or so ago. My family physcian had all those tests done in preperation for this and I was there last week and asked him to forward all the results to your offices. She states....I am sorry sir but there is nothing here. I say ok I will call my family physcian and see what is going on.
I call his office talk to the chief flunky he has there and she tells me no it hasn`t been sent but she will do it right now. I supply her with the fax number for the appropriate office and I stupidly take her at her word. I wait three days and call Miss voiemail again after three days of getting her recorded messages she finally comes through and calls me back. Tells me she still has not recieved anything but after speaking with my family physcian they will not be able to send her ALL of the test results. I will after all this, have to either retest or somehow aquire the test results my self and hand carry them to her office . She then proceeds to tell me that sometime late next week she will call me and tell me what she has and what I still need to accomplish my self. I am sure this will take another two months to accomplish and then depending on the surgeons schedule I may in fact get this surgery by somtime next year. Providing I live long enough. If I do die before then I hope she buys a new Jaguar and has trouble making the payments because she is short my surgery fee.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror is Dead-------------NOT

For all of you whiners and complainers out there look no further that todays main stream media news reports and see that there has been multiple arrests and more pending. Who you might ask? Al Quada memebers. They figured no one could get through airline security carrying a bomb or a weapon BUT perhaps if 5or 6 or whatever the number, would each carry a small disguiseable segment of a bomb, perhaps they could actually pull it off.
Look around you people. Chances are that someone you know or knew has been affected by a act of terror. We must not falter, we must not hesitate. This particular caldren of evil was stirred up in Pakistan. All of these occurances originate somewhere in the Mid East,and yet you folks keep asking why are we there?
You would be better off understanding that this is a war. Not one like your used to, but still all in all, a war. Back in the Revolutionary war the bad guys wore red coats and marched in a straight line. We wore buckskins and hid behind trees. The face of war has totally changed. Today it may be a little boy your children are playing with or a eldely lady who just got on the bus or a couple of truckers who passed you on the freeway not ten minutes earlier. We can't know who they are or what they look like. That is why it is important that your gov. has powers that you think may be out of the ordinary. They don`t want us, they want the bad guys and hopefully this will help them get them. We can't back off, or withdraw, untill the job is done. Regardless of the cost. If we do, it will be here before you know it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


As promised..........At last I think I am at the last hurdle.....I am to report this comming Mon for a Physcological Evaluation.....there are those who say that this is as far as I will get BUT I think I can probably convince the good doctor that considering I am 200 pounds past my ideal weight that I'm most probably not making this up and i do in fact require this life saving surgery.It has taken nearly a year to push through the system and get the help i need......Thank God I wasn't bleeding out................ Will keep all posted.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

~Time For Peace In The Mid - East~

I mean really. Isn't it time for peace in the Mid - East? How many have to die? how freakin tragic does it have to get. You may think that it is impossible, but you know what kiddies ? It freakin isn't. All that needs to be done is Isreal put down its arms, park its weaponry, and promise not to kill any more innocent civilians in Lebanon accidently and i'm positive that hezbolla will jump through hoops to comply with the movement and promise to not kill Jewish civilians on purpose and quit hiding in areas that are populated by mostly civilians and lie down their weapons and park their missle launchers and such.
Just picture it. Peace and prosperity will come to the area that is the epicenter of all the major religions of the world. Beautiful huh? JUST FREAKIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Look folks get yer heads all the way out of your asses and really look at what is going on. The Muslem world wants nothing more than to eliminate the Jewish people. Sound like someone we remember? Some Nazi guy, think his name was hitler or sumpin. I forget just like most of you out there. Wait a minute its comming back.........If I remember right he wasn't alone there was that Russian guy oh yeah Stalin . Its seems like its all comming back. If I remember right there must of been at least 20,000,000 of them killed between the two. I don't suppose we should leave out the atrocites that were and are still taking place in Africa. dosen't have a handle on all of the mothers and fathers, grandparents, children, uncles, aunts, cousens and who knows who else that have given their lives to to a terrorist, or a nation of terrorists. This is the evil out there. It isn't Jews or Arabs or Germans or Russians or even Africans. It is terror commited by people who are dedicated to destroying life as we know it.
Yes Elizabeth there is a Santa Clause and sadly there is pure evil out there also. It is time the people of the world put a stop to all this hate, all this terror while we still have a world to wake up to. At least thats the way I see it here at Arathorns Alley.