Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fourth Of July

Hello Readers..... It has been far too long since I posted anything. The reality of it is that I haven't felt motivated enough to write anything at all since my surgery. My wife has also had her shoulder surgically repaired so that has kind of dampened my enthusiasm somewhat. Hopefully these difficult times have passed. I have lost approximately 45 pounds since my surgery and as a result I am feeling considerably better and even breathing better. I suppose that is a good thing that will allow me to take better care of my wife. Now to the reason I felt motivated to post today......

Very simply put, yesterday was our nations celebration of our founding . We are without doubt one of the mightiest nations on earth. We also claim to have one of the worlds best equipped and trained army. I suppose we could show our might by parading our military up and down the street in front of the White House. Showing our strengths by displaying our Army for the world to see. Displaying our most impressive weaponry for the world to see .Beating our collective breasts to show off our prowess.......BUT........ We don't.......

We celebrate this most important day by having family picnics...Backyard BB Q's...lazing around reading a book or maybe watching a old movie or two on the television... And that is what makes our nation great ..... the simple fact that we don't feel obligated to show off, to flaunt our might to the world. We, very simply, enjoy the freedoms the fore-fathers thought were our God given rights. I hope your holiday was as wonderful as mine was and as touching as my feelings when watching the local fireworks display my heart and mind reflected on the "Bombs bursting in air,gave proof through the night that our flag was still there..."

God Bless America,my home sweet home.........

Saturday, April 28, 2007


As a concerned citizen and a former member of our armed services I watch the news with growing concern for the safety of our troops throughout the world. Our news media and the hollywierd moon bats seem to have zero awareness of the harm they are doing to our military. They are compromising their safety and their effectiveness daily. By claiming that the majority of the American public don't support their effort, they are making huge strides towards de - moralizing our military. As a former Navy photographer in Viet Nam I will tell you folks that there is nothing more difficult than trying to maintain a good attitude about doing the almost impossibly difficult job that was set before you, when all you hear from our media is that we are not being effective and that no one supports your efforts and your sacrifices. That the very people who you are laying all on the line for,don't want or need you and your efforts to help them. I find it almost impossible to believe that not even a handful of media grabbing liberals, who wouldn't understand the difference between freedom and living under the iron fisted rule of a brutal dictator like Saddam was.They seem to promote the wrong assumption that the terroristic acts that are still going on in Iraq,is a direct result of the general citizenry of Iraq. IT IS NOT. They fail to realize that what is going on is a direct result of terrorists. Terrorists that are NOT Iraqi nationals. These people are from as many different nations as you can imagine.
The moon bats try to play on our sympathy for our military and the pain we share when we hear of a loss of life for our military personnel. That is a normal and expected reaction to that sort of terrible news. What kind of person would NOT respond with sadness and dismay when hearing of a untimely death of a brave man or woman that gave their life,their most prized possession to bring freedom to a oppressed nation.

Please America, support our troops. They are doing a almost impossibly difficult job without adequate supplies, in a extremely dangerous area, and coupled with the awareness that our general public seems to not support their efforts, it is more than anyone should have to bear. This issue hits home for me. When I was in Nam the news from home was the Vietnamese didn't want us there, our very own fellow Americans didn't want us there, and perhaps worst of all,what we were trying to accomplish there, had no real value to anyone. It was crap then and it is crap now. Honor our troops there are no finer people in the world. At least that is how I see it hear on Arathorn's Alley!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

~ I'M BACK ~

Somewhat like General Mac Arthur, well,minus the corn cob pipe,steely glare,commanding presence,and being run out of town, I am finally back and feeling quite well. I am now nearly two weeks post surgery and have had my first check up and doing quite well. After 11 days I have lost 12 lbs and I feel nearly as fit as a fiddle.The rate of weight loss with the banding process is slower than the more radical procedures, but my deteriorated health demanded that I have the banding. The surgeon determined that I would not survive the more radical process called the ROU- EN- Y. I honestly think that I am better off with the banding because the weight loss is more gradual and therefore more healthy.There are many stories of people loosing their hair,and even malnutrition. I truly don't need any of that.
Before I sign out of here for today I want to thank all of you kind readers for your well wishes,thoughts, and of course prayers. I am so very lucky to be alive and be able to be here to tell you folks of my experience. I will truly make a more concerted effort to post more frequently and not disappoint those kind people who have become my readers.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Well folks ,here we is less than 24 hours till my scheduled surgery time and I must admit while I am excited about the outcome I am a little apprehensive about the process. I am confident that it will all work out just fine. I am trying to keep in mind that there are a lot of folks who are in worse shape than me who has survived more serious stuff than what Iam scheduled for. I will post asap probably not till Monday though......Be well.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello my friends...... I know if you are still here you must in fact be my friends because there has been nothing of any merit posted here for some time. The reason for that is I have been out of sorts for some time and once I regained my vigor my PC went kerplooie????? I hope that is a word ..if it isn't it should be. I finally have resolved both of those issues, hence todays posting. I am scheduled this Friday, the 13th of April for my by - pass. I am very excited about the possibilities that this is going to present to me. After a few months recovery I will be able to begin a much heallthier life style and will be able to rejoin the human race again instead of being isolated due to my constant need to be hooked to a oxygen line and unable to walk without the use of a cane. All these things, along with the majority of my medications, will become a thing of the past. I am SO looking forward to this. If ,for some reason or another, I pop into your head on Friday morning....say a little prayer for me....I know it works. Untill I get back home.......SEE YA !!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

So Sorry

Sorry Dear Reader, I have been under the weather and not feeling like posting. But things are looking up and I expect to be my old self again soon. ( not that I am all that ). Laters All.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I suppose after it is all said and done the super bowl was a rousing success. They have worked at achieving parity in football for a very long time and it seems as though they did in fact achieve that very thing. "The Colts" or "The Bears" either team could of easily won the match - up. It was exciting due to the that slippery little pig that kept getting out of control. Every play demanded your attention because you couldn't begin to guess if there was going to be a fumble or a run back. All in all a very exciting game,despite the fact that my pick - o - the litter didn't win.

The thing that befuddled me was the half time event ? Debacle ? Display ?.Show ?. Just what the hell was the star formerly known as Prince ( who is suppose at best is/was/will be only a pretender to the throne) trying to do with the shadow show? Was it just me, or was the dropped jaws in my living room all indicative of what I thought was some sort of perverse masturbatory fantasy on the performers part?What the Hell people? We all were told we got a glimpse of Ms. Jackson's breast.....try as I might with my high tech frame by frame play back I couldn't see a thing but regardless of that I can hardly believe that the guy with the guitar got past the censor or at least some guy who gave final approval for the half time show. Maybe there is one more guy looking for a job....who can know? All I can say is I would of rather had some marching bands.........Maybe Grambling College could be rewarded with some cash for doing next years show. I am sure the school could use the money ............

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Anybody could of seen this coming. Anyone should of lept to these same conclusions. After all, it doesn't require a rocket scientist to extrapolate the data and reach this obvious conclusion. Or does it? The United Nations in all of its' might and its seemingly inexhaustible wealth ( which begs another question that why on earth are we supporting them financially?) has determined after much study that humans are responsible for the dramatic 1 degree Celsius rise in temperature seen recently. They warn of impending disasters like the oceans rising and flooding a major portion of the worlds coastal cities. (By the way, New York, N.Y. is at last glance a coastal city and if I am not mistaken, the U.N. is located there and I don't see them packing to avoid the flood)Oh yeah and just what in the world do they want us to do with the excess humans? Dispose of them so that we may chill back down? How many folks do we need to dispose of o lower the temp lets just say a half a degree. That way the flood won't be so bad.......maybe just some high water. At first glance you may not believe that what the U.N. has stated is absolutely true, but to more or less cement the deal, China has weighed in and stated that disasters are impending due to climate changes. We know now that this must all be due to us pesky humans having the audacity to eek out a existence on this planet.I suppose we should be remorseful and and maybe allowing a large portion of our population to die off or perhaps limiting the size of our families like the Chinese are doing. (Exactly what we need... even more government involvement in our lives).Come on people did any of ya`ll ever read a history book? These climate changes have been going on since the beginning of time. If the climate hadn't cooled we would still be a huge ball of molten rock. Take away the fire and what happens? .........things cool down. The world used to be nearly all ocean..............dried up some didn't it, or we would all have gills......At one stage of the game the world was a tropical forest, now there seems to be some ,well,large areas known as deserts. Whoda Thunk?People the world is in a constant state of flux. It changes and there is little or nothing we can do to alter that fact. We change. Our jobs change, our relationships change, everything changes......................everything.

Monday, January 29, 2007


To quote Poop Deck Pappy "I yam what I yam" these are words to live by. After it is all said and done, it breaks down to mean, we are, after all the protestations, objections, posturing, downright denying that we are not what we appear to be, the simple truth is we are. WE ARE, and there is nothing we can do about that. Nor is there anything we should do about that. Very simply put, we are what we are and we should be proud of that.Understanding this basic tenant of life lead me to seriously wonder just what in the world all the hoop la is about concerning a simple slip of the tongue by "Greys Anatomy "co-star Isaiah Washington. It started way back in October of last year and more or less there was a minor verbal exchange between himself and a co-star T.R. Knight.It remains unknown what started the exchange but I would almost bet the ranch that it didn't just fall out of his mouth but was more than likely coaxed out by some sort of unwanted comment by Mr. Knight. We can only guess what it may of been. It has the potential to range from "Have a not so nice day" to the dreaded N word. We don't know, and I would be willing to bet once more that no one even remembers.
Mr. Washington DEEPLY regrets having said that his co-worker was a faggot. This is another word that people who chose this life style wish desperately not to be called.There seems to be a question as to weather or not you are given the chance to choose your life style or if you are very simply ....born to it. I personally feel you are born to be what you ultimately grow up to be. Of course there is the chance for you to use what talents God or fate or whatever you believe in gives you, but truth is we will get out of life in direct proportion what we put into it. If we work hard we will have a better life. Simple fact. If you are derelict in your responses you will lead a less than great life.Just the way it is. In light of this, why do we object to being called what we are? If you are a homosexual what is the problem with that? Are you ashamed of it? I wouldn't think so. I don't know of anyone who is ashamed of what they are.When it is all said and done, we must accept the hand we are dealt. HAVING SAID THAT....
Mr Washington has released a statement that he is grateful for the support of friends and family for being given the opportunity to change his negative actions into into positive results personally and professionally.He is going to concentrate on why he did what he did and concentrate on never ever doing or saying anything like that again.It is unknown whether or not he will actually be admitted for a period of rehabilitation.
The shows Producer, Shonda Rimes, said that Washington's use of such a "disturbing" word was "A shocking and dismaying event" she went on to say " it not only insults gays and lesbians everywhere, but anyone who has ever struggled for respect in a world that is not accepting of differences.
NOW THEN ......... I would like those very same considerations..... I Support our troops in their efforts to bring freedom to all the people of the world.......... accept me.........I support a representative republic form of government........accept me. I support the freedom to think what I me. I also support your freedom to think what you me....... I suppose I could go on like this ad nauseum but this point is, I suppose lost ....we give more importance to petty things than to our brave young men and women working ,sacrificing potentially all to do things and that is over looked but let some over rated ,over paid actor let slip a little invective and he gotta go to freaking re-hab over it. Damn people gimme a break. I can't believe you make a mountain over this mole hill like this but you won't even take the time to thank a soldier for their efforts.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Not 24 hours since the President has delivered his State Of The Union Address, I have heard enough clap trap from so many sources to actually make me sick.The Dimocrats are diametrically opposed to implementing his plan in Iraq. OK,lets assume that it is wrong.....I mean wholly wrong. So wrong that we will have unprecedented casualties as soon as we set foot in country.What is their plan,pray tell? Oh they don't have a plan. That is what makes them so damn sure that the Presidents plan won't work... the simple fact is they don't have a clue as to what to do. This is a damn difficult conflict to manage. Terrorism is nearly impossible to prepare for,as impossible to defend against and it is unpredictable as the weather. It only makes sense that if we clear out a area of its bad guys we need enough personnel to secure and hold that area. I agree that the Iraq's should be prepared to do this but the sad truth is they aren't. They are trying to get trained and equipped to be able to do this but almost as soon as a citizen is fully trained he is killed or wounded by insurgents.That is why we need a trained and equipped military force there. To defend and hold what we have already won ,sometimes at extraordinary costs.I hear people bemoaning the fact that we have lost over 3,000 servicemen and women. That is too is too many but we must realize that the freedom of this nation will not come cheap. The cost of freedom is high,so high many are not prepared to pay it or face it even. "Oh NO not MY children" it is a fine shining example until the call to arms comes knocking on their doors.
I am so pissed at our unified body of lawmakers. Instead of working together to resolve a important issue we wont work with the Republicans or we hate the dimocrats or ain't no way in Hell we are gonna even listen to what the independents have to say. These people are elected to their posts to serve us. To serve our nation, to work these issues out. There will be nothing done except a lot of useless carping as to what won't work or what can't happen. The only thing we will hear is negative comments or some nonsense that totally disrespects what our fine fighting force's have already done.Come on folks, we better get behind our troops and support their efforts. If we don't we will deserve what can only happen next. We cry over 3,000 dead and rightfully so, again one is too many but bear in mind nearly 40,000 died in the invasion of Normandy in less than a week. Why is Hitlers atrocities worth fighting against and Sadam's not?We must see this through to the end or the war will be fought here on this soil before the end of the decade.Do you want to see your Grandparents eviscerated? How about being made to watch your lovely wives and beautiful daughters being raped, and not be able to do anything about it. Is that what it will take for you people to finally understand we are facing a monster here?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Just a brief posting to let you kind people know that I am in fact back home and feeling nearly well.....I suppose that needs investigated. I think if you need some rest the very LAST place you want to be is in the hospital. They wake you to ask you if you want a sleeping pill, Then they give you all sorts of meds that you don't really recognize and then when you get all medicated up and the dry mouth sets in they invariably come and take your water.............HMMMMM ...just a thought maybe there is some truth about nurses belonging to some ultra secret society that relishes on torturing people and that Tor Kamada is secretly alive and guiding them in new and even more brilliant ways to terrorize people.Perhaps I should of rented that TV @$4.00 bucks per calender day instead of just lying there thinking things over.

Friday, January 19, 2007

~I'M GOING AWAY NOW........~

Well Friends I WAS excited about going into the hospital to get the By-Pass procedure done, but, not one to ever expect smooth sailing, I am being admitted for a entirely different thing. The Doc suspects that I have fallen victim to a malady called Diverticulitis. It is certainly unromantic, somewhat uncomfortable, and most definitely not what I had planned out for myself for this week-end. Oh Well, very often the best laid plans of mice and men...well you all know how that tale goes. I don't expect to be gone very much more than 4 or 5 days if that, but upon my return I fully intend to pick up my mighty blogger pen and proceed where I left off.Please wish me well. Pray for me if you believe as I do in a higher power.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Finally!!! The phone just rang and when I answered it I was so pleasantly surprised to find my surgeons secretary on the other end. She informed me that they are waiting on one last form from my family Doctor and then they can turn it into the insurance co and then schedule with the physician herself for evaluation. If everything goes well I should have this much needed surgery within the next two months.It has been such a ordeal waiting this thing out. At times I nearly talked myself out of it for a number of reasons. .......I was afraid of the surgery because of poor health....but I reasoned I'm in poor health because I need the surgery......At other times I was hesitant because it would radically change my life style but lets face it folks this life style need changing desperately years ago. As it stands now I am stoked about it and can hardly wait for it to get going on. I will keep you all posted.....Pray for me and keep me in your thoughts.......I need all the help I can get.


For the second time in as many weeks a bomb threat has halted construction on the new renovation at Childrens Hospital here in Pittsburgh.I understand that in any major construction job there are,well, disagreements as to awarding contracts or certain hiring practices but this is a desperately need facility that is going to help our children. Our futures. Perhaps the discoverer of what ever disease that some years down the road is threaening to end their lives. OUR CHILDREN for heavens sake. Why can't these things be put on hold and allow this project to be completed.Childrens Hospital has been historically over- crowded for as long as it has been in existance. Finally the facility is attempting to move into the 21st. Century............Let it happen........Please......

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Everyone knows those famous words...."A small Step for man ,a giant leap for mankind". Those words will remain famous probably for the rest of time. BUT. Who knows what the second man on the moon said. It is reported that he said "That may of been a small step for that man but it was a hell of a leap for me."This comes to mind because today I am making that "hell of a leap for me" step. I would normally sit around my home and not ever go anywhere unless I absolutely had to. I was,nearly agoraphobic. This is in no way productive behavior. It lead me to gain even more weight and contributed to my problem a lot more than staying at home and resting benefited me. So today I am making another small step. I am going out for the day,or at least the better part of this day. I fully intend to go here, there, and back again. I am planning a trip to Wallyworld to do some much needed shopping and may even take my lovely wife out to lunch at a new Mexican restaurant that I have heard so much about. Wish me well readers. This is my first baby steps towards my recovery and I am SO looking forward to it.

Friday, January 12, 2007


One of my all time favorite actresses passed a few days ago and I will miss her. Yvonne DeCarlo passed away on Jan 8, 2007 from natural causes.Her most notable role I suppose was as Lilly Munster in the TV show "the Munsters" . My favorite was a little noticed appearance in the movie "The McClintocks"
She played the housekeeper and her name was Mrs Louise Warren. It was absolutely hysterical when John Wayne, Maureen OHara, and Ms. DeCarlo were drunk and stumbling on the steps. In my opinion one of the funniest sight gags in the movies.They just don't make em like that anymore.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I suppose after it is all said and done I owe my readers here at the very least honesty. Well, honestly, I must confess at times ,when there is little else to do or my choices for entertainment are limited, I watch the view. I don't know why except for maybe it feels so good when it goes off and I haven't thrown anything at my TV set.
Don't get me wrong folks I love women and their opinions and all their little nuances..... BUT...... Somehow the high muckity mucks who are/were in charge of casting selected a bunch of doozies. I honestly wonder how they come to the conclusions they do concerning the current events going on in the world today. They are ALL Pissed that we don't show the coffins of our fallen Warriors as we bring home their bodies.They want us to see all of this so it will increase our dismay at the true cost of freedom in the world.We know, we have always known . The ones they want to witness this do NOT care anyway. They never did and they never will.There is nothing we can do to heighten their awareness ,there is nothing we can do to change their minds. The only thing that MAY change their view on this is those same atrocities happening here. Watching their Grandparents being killed or their children being tortured. Perhaps a occasional rape of a sister or a wife. Surely if this is not stopped there it will spred here. It will happen. As a matter of fact it is beginning. I heard a story of a small town in Michigin who sounds the call to prayer so the resident muslems can worshi[p appropriately. This is middle America. This is happening here. Can the rest of it be far away?THE VIEW.....appropriately named but I think it needs changed a bit to maybe NOT EVERYONES VIEW.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Well folks another year begins in ernest. I think we all have,at one time or another, made a resolution. Almost before that very resolution comes out we regret it and before the sunsets (usually) we have forgotten it. There are peeps who regret this seeming weakness but it is not weakness it very simply is human nature. We are all creatures of habit and most of those habits are bad ones. It is after all what it means to be human. We are all full of renewed efforts daily. Often times those resolutions make all the difference in the world. We change our behaviors several days in a row and it becomes a new habit. A bigger brighter bolder habit.Sometimes it works in reverse. Our behavior becomes less desirable. I am looking towards this good modifacation. I will not make a oath or a promise BUT I AM going to work on getting my health back in to some sembalance of order. I am trying to get some life saving surgery and my efforts will be centered in this area untill it is accomplished. Wish me well readers,wish me well.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


As promised another follow up........... I made the rather long trip to Pittsburgh to meet with my physcians nutritionist and was pleasently surised to find her bright and actually interested in her work and her patient. She seemed to go out of her way to try to help me with all that I asked of her and beyond all belief i found she actually had a sense of humor. (I feel very necessary in the medical arena) I am supposing my next step is to meet with the doctor again providing all the little pieces/ parts of my medical history is there and attempt to pass her muster and get scheduled for this surgery. Please all you kind readers pray for me to be able to get this done and pray that her hands are guided appropriately to do a excellant job.Well this will be a short posting have had a day full of adventure and travel and as it is right nowI am in need of some rest.............Laters ya`lls

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It Had To Happen......

Well I knew it was comming, I knew that it could not continue as it was. There was just no way possible. It was just too damn nice. My baby sis and her hub are being taken to the Amtrack Station as Iwrite this and already the hole in my heart aches. I am considerably older than she and as I remember it, I was about 13 when she came into my life and I rapidly got addapted to her presence. As she grew my affection for her grew in direct porportion to her size. I finally left home and went off to seak my fortune as so many of us did in the sixties and family became, well, less imparitive in my mind. I was in Viet Nam running through the jungles while she was running through the neighbors yards. I managed through those years mostly intact, I came home, married had my own family, and she continued to grow and come into her own. She grew up and moved on and suddenly she was no longer in my life. There was a hole there where once there was a funny tow headed little girl who thought her brother could do no wrong.For the longest time we even lost touch for one reason or another. BUT.
as fate would have it she came back into my sphere of life and I was soooooooo very happy to have her there. We have been close ever since that time once more and I must say it is one of the stellar spots in my otherwise hum drum existance. They spent the holidays with my wife and I this year and it was so good to have them here and I will miss them untill we meet again. Be well Sissie and Brother ...thank you for all you are and what you have come to mean to me. Come back soon

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Beginning

Well my friends,today is the ,I suppose, actual beginning of the new year considering that most of yesterday was spent nursing colossial hang-overs so justly earned the night before.
I am saddened due to the fact that my sister and her hubby is spending their last day here before returning to their home. I must say I will miss them and have rapidly become used to them being here and adding to the warmth of my family experience.
I hear them stirring so I must get off here and make some coffe and begin to greet the day..........Be Well!!

Monday, January 01, 2007


I would like to begin by creating my first posting in the year of our Lord 2007. I have lead a long ,interesting and varied life with enough variables and unexpected happens to amaze most people but 2006 was a year like none I have ever experienced in all of my days. I will not bore you by rehashing the events or further frieghtening myself by recounting them but I think it is sufficient to say that I hope that I never experience the creul nuances that this past compilation of 365 days presented to me. Having said this.................
I will not tempt the flying fickle finger of fate by making resolutions but I do pledge to make this year a year of change. I pray that these changes are primarily good. I have been on a quest to get into better condition and I MUST accomplish this if I am going to enjoy or even live long enough to see my "Golden Years". ON the fourth of Jan I have the next app. to accomplis my gastric by-pass and I will keep you all posted on how this plays out.
I have been so happy to have my baby sister and perhaps the best man I know ( her hubby) spend this holiday with me. I was i n the hospital for three days starting on Christmas eve and was released the day after Christmas. To their credit they didn't bemoan their disatisfaction with it and instead felt bad that I was sick and away from my family for the holiday and went a long way towards supporting me and my lovely wife in my absence.
Well friends I will cut this posting short and get back to enjoying this "NEW YEAR" WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!