Sunday, July 16, 2006


As promised........ I said that I would keep everyone posted as to my progress in my by-pass quest. I have successfully completed all of the physical aspects of the pre- testing. I must still under go a physcological exam. I honestly don't understand the need for that considering that if I had the cash I could find almost any plastic surgeon who would make me look like almost anybody for a fee of course. Regardless that must still be scheduled to see if I really am seriously over weight, and that this surgery could actually help save my life.
More word as I find out.....................


GUYK said...

Thanks for the update bro. Good luck and I am hoping that it works out for you

Saphyre Rose said...

All the pre-testing is bullshit.

The doctors today are so afraid of the lawyers that the patients are screwed for so long that they get used to being bent over!

Don't give up, it took me 7 monthst from the END of pre-testing to actually getting my pain pump.
Don't give up!
