Friday, March 28, 2008


I am so sick and tired of folks maligning the lithe and lovely H.R. Clinton. She was there when her helicopter had to corkscrew in to the landing zone and was forced to take immediate cover for her personal safety and then some over zealous hate monger from one of those "Big Three" networks showed a obviously doctored film of school children waiting patiently on the tarmac for her arrival. If that wasn't enough they even show them chatting pleasantly as could be possible in a under privileged European nation as they edited out the sounds of the withering sniper fire at her and and the blameless innocent children.

What is it going to take to get the American public to make a wise and informed choice in choosing their next President. After all look at how eminently qualified she is from being the wife of a cigar chomping, whore mongering, lying, cheating, perhaps even being responsible for untold and unconnected deaths of a President, who doesn't even understand and needed explanations of exactly what "Sexual Relations" means .

Which I guess leads us to her opponent on the Democratic ticket....please don't get me started there. Despite all the reasons to not vote for him ,I just don't think that anyone who would make the choice of "spiritual Guide" that he has should bring that sort of racism and sheer clap trap to the White House.

As to the Republican ticket we have a unknown "complete " ticket to consider but anyone who has the stones to face nearly 6 years in a Vietnamese concentration camp and not be a blithering idiot seems as if he has a rock solid constitution and will to see our great nation through any crises.

This Election may be the most important a race as ever was. Please think about the possibilities that each of these candidates will bring to the table. Well there it is like it or not these are our choices or at least that IS the way I see it here at Arathorns Alley


GUYK said...

Looks like you see it about the way I see it..except I feel about the same way about Obama

Anonymous said...

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