Friday, May 26, 2006


As we approach this day to remember our brave sons and daughters,brothers and sisters,uncles or aunts that have fallen in battle to protect our nation,or perhaps to bring freedom from tyrany or even to bring a better life to most of the peoples of the world, I must ask myself why.
Oh not why we do it but why those who we do it for don't appreciate it. Most aren't even aware of the basic knowledge that a citizen of our nation should.
I was listening to talk radio yesterday and the radio personality was talking to five college grads or seniors. Out of that lot of obviously intellegent folks only one knew knew who the vice president was, he also knew who the sec. of state was. he was not able to either sing or recite the words to the National anthem or the pledge of allegience. One person got as far as "and to the publik that it stands for and was stymied.
So I ask my self why do we keep on ? Why do men and women try and keep the American way of life? Why do we give up our sons and daughters for a bunch of people who never bothered to take the time to learn the most rudimentry aspects of our history. Maybe we would be better off being ASSIMILATED by the mexican horde at least they have some ethnic pride, they at least are aware of their history.I truly don't understand how I can be so proud to be a American ..........and so ashamed at the same time.
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GUYK said...

I know the feeling bro--but then I click on some of the military blogs and find that there are still millions of us that are proud of our country and what it stands for even if it does seem the left wing is taking it to hell in a hand basket.

Saphyre Rose said...

Everytime someone drops the baton, another will pick it up.
There are a lot of Americans I wouldn't trtust to pour piss out of their boots if the instructions were written on the heels.
But there are others who try to make a difference.