Friday, September 01, 2006

~ I Can't Believe My Ears ~

I hear on the news that Brittish televisions channel 4 called More4 has produced a little ditty called "Death Of A President" It mixes real footage with digital manipulations to look as though it is actual footage. The directors name is Gabriel Range and his so called work is called "Death of a President". It shows the assination of President Bush. This is so deplorable that this was even considered as artistic by this ass hole and then even approved by the Brittish Government as acceptable. What the Hell has this world come to. We are in the middle of a war against terrorists and our supposed allies produce a film showing this horrible crime against America. To top it off there are plans to show this piece of crap at the Toronto Film Festival. I would of thought that since we have kept the Cunucks free all these years we would have deserved better from them. Maybe it is time for America to withdraw all support weather military,financial, or even disaster relief from these ungrateful bastards and lets stay within our borders with our up to now generous monetary and physical help.At the end of the day I can't remember one single solitary instance of help from a foreign source for any disaster we have ever experienced.Not so much as a drackma`s worth of aid to help with our national debt. Not even so much as two bricks stacked together to help with a natural disaster.Not even Hollyweird has sunk this low..........Shame on you Brits if it weren`t for us you would be having sourkraut on your crumpets.


Anonymous said...

hOW SAD FOR THOSE WHO STILL SEEM UNAWARE OF THE truth. hOW SAD FOR THOSE WHO BELiIVE IN tERRORIST AND THE wORLD lEADERS PLAN TO DIVIDE, CONFUSE, AND DO WHAT THEY'VE ALWAYS DONE. how sad for humans to keep consuming the poisons in their daily diet and cause their own sicknesses, how sad to be such uneducated peasants following the wrong goose! Wake Up World, nothing is as it seems, listen to your hear hear intuition. Stop living in Mainstream hype and join the rest of us that know what is REAL and what you keep "Talk Talk" Talkie about is just that, just talk, a noise that comes from the lips, not the truth, not what IS.
Only ONE

Arathorn said...

How sad that people of the caliber of the above poster will enjoy the same freedoms as the galliant men and women who actually do something to ensure freedom throughout the world.

Saphyre Rose said...

I wish the person would just put the damn gun in her mouth and pull the friggin trigger.
They got me depressed!