Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Hello my friends...... I know if you are still here you must in fact be my friends because there has been nothing of any merit posted here for some time. The reason for that is I have been out of sorts for some time and once I regained my vigor my PC went kerplooie????? I hope that is a word ..if it isn't it should be. I finally have resolved both of those issues, hence todays posting. I am scheduled this Friday, the 13th of April for my by - pass. I am very excited about the possibilities that this is going to present to me. After a few months recovery I will be able to begin a much heallthier life style and will be able to rejoin the human race again instead of being isolated due to my constant need to be hooked to a oxygen line and unable to walk without the use of a cane. All these things, along with the majority of my medications, will become a thing of the past. I am SO looking forward to this. If ,for some reason or another, I pop into your head on Friday morning....say a little prayer for me....I know it works. Untill I get back home.......SEE YA !!!!


GUYK said...

Good to hear bro...I know you have had a long hard fight to get this done and I will be thinking about you.

Pammy said...

I'll be keeping you in my thoughts as well.