Friday, November 18, 2005

I saw on the news this morning that there was a new law passed by the local government for the area of Texas where Mr. Bush makes his home. It seems that they have banned road-side camping. Good on em I say !!!! Mrs Cindy Sheehan is now forced to change her plans from spending Thanksgiving loitering outside President Bushs' home to spending it in some non specific campground. Instead of Miss Cindy staying home with her family and enjoying one of the holidays her son WILLINGLY gave his life for, She chooses to continue disgracing the gift of freedom that her son so valiently gave. There ya go cindy lets see ya get the turkey and fixins in the camp stove you unappreciateive bitch.


GUYK said...

There will probably be some MSM complaining that this was done just to stop the bitch and maybe it was--but the state of Texas has the right to make it tough on traitors.

Bonita said...

Tragically, she just creates more onerous issues, one after the other, detracting from the real issues, one of which is that she hasn't yet understood that her conduct has yet to merit an audience with the leader of our country.

You have a great Thanksgiving, and thanks for visiting Flitzy...

Saphyre Rose said...

Ridiculous. She shouldn't be given any more press time. The fifteen minutes are over!