Well its inaugaration day and of course those detracters say we shouldn`t have this ceremony because we have lost so many lives fighting in Iraq. My feelings on this is this is all the more reason why we should have perhaps the most incredible celebration ever. Our brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price deserve to have proof of their way of life continuing,a afirmation that the reason they gave that sacrifice lives on and still thrives. Sure we get knocked down, after all we are only human. But we get back up again,and move on. We as a people strive to do what is right. We sent millions of dollars for aid for tsunami victems (to say nothing of the dollars we as Americans sent privately) So because we are at war we shouldn`t of done that? I can`t believe that I would ever hear a liberal say that so just why should we not celebrate the continuance of our democratic way of life. Come on folks lets not put a cloud of your self imposed guilt over the inaugeral ceremony. Instead lets welcome this as a chance to see our great nation move on towards recovery from 9/11 and all the other attacks on our great nation.