Saturday, January 22, 2005

To some it is just a inconvienance

I'm sitting here enjoying the scenery as it turns brilliant white and seeing the trees become crystal scultptures like in some far away make believe world. There is so much beauty placed before our eyes.......I am so glad I finally learned to stop and actually look and appreciate these little gifts. A glimpse of something grander.Perhaps this is how a child always sees things........its been so long I can't hardly remember how things looked to me. I am sure at some point in time everything was new and shiny and I honestly wish I knew what dimmed my perspective or even if it were just one thing that managed to do it. It is so pristeen now it almost hurts to look at it. A cardinal just landed on the railing of my deck. His brilliant red plumage ablaze against the stark white of the ice and snow. I hope I can always rememeber these little glimpses of grandure that I have been allowed to see. Thank You for these eyes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you spelled inconvenience wrong that is an inconvenience.