Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Purple Finger Of Courage

They dipped their index finger of their right hand in indeleble ink to prevent voter fraud but despite that indeleble mark perhaps as high as 72% of Iraq's citizenry hit the polls to vote for the first time in their lives for democracy and a life without the sorts of terror that has been a part of their history. Chalk up one morevictory for democracy. Our media can say what it wants or nambie pambie liberals can whine all they want but take note people Freedom rings in still another part of the world. A part that has been dark and forbidden for all of time. Will it spread? Damn skippy it will. Perhaps in our lifetime we will see a fragile sort of peace in the middle east, But trust me people, Germany,The Soviet Union, Viet Nam , and countless other peoples have seen and embraced democracy and this is just the beginning. Let Freedom Ring !!!!!

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