Thursday, March 24, 2005

Where Are They Now?

So, Just where the Hell are they now? where is peta? where is all those right to life groups? where is all the feminist groups? Hells fire where are the damn tree huggers and yer greenpeace when you need them? Well the way I see it those "groups have no intrest in anything other than their own agendas. They no more believe in the sanctity of life than I believe that there is such a thing as a democrat that is worth even considering to vote for. They are no more than self serving orginazations that has no appreciation of the same values that they are purported to expouse. Its all just so much political bullshit or at least that is the way I se it here on Arathorns Alley

1 comment:

Don said...

Well said, and I couldn't agree more.

There are so many questions, but so little time for the answers to matter.