Today is one of the saddest days of my life. I say this unequivocally,without reservation. I say this bearing in mind all the tradgedys that this life has seen fit to deal me as my hand.Today one more little piece,one small piece of what I hold dear has been taken away. Not for its becoming broken or outdated or even out of fashion,but for it losing it's potential for making a profit. To increase it's profitability in the "World Market".Like some kind of diseased whore......"I'm only in it for the money."
I'm sure by now some of my readers are wandering just what I am going on about....well in the new Superman movie they have eliminated a part of his creed. From day one Superman stood for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way.This was something solid. Something we could hang on to. Something children could hold near and dear. A sort of guide to live your life by. Goals to try and emulate. Knowing these things to be good and right and proper. The "American Way" we would defend to the end if necessary the "American Way" regardless what its cost is.We would and did sacrifice those lives in huge numbers to promote the American Way. Don't believe me? Think I'm over reacting? Look at the endless rows of white crosses ,standing as a mute tribute, to the "American Way" at Arlington National cemetery perhaps gaze at that strangely quiet field known as Flanders Field in France. These people, knew the value of the "American Way"
they paid the price to spread that word.
Look at our borders. People are trying desperately to find a way to get here. To enjoy "The American Way" they risk their lives as a matter of routine, just to be here,to breathe the free air to be allowed to do as they please,when the want to.The "American Way" has immeasurable value and yet Hollyweird says because they want to make more money,to increase their profitability they eliminate the phrase "The American Way" from Supermans creed.
I feel this is a act of treason . It is so insidious. It whittles aways one more little piece of American uniqueness.For money, They sold out the hopes and dreams and sacrifices of untold numbers of people for money. Is there a word that is dispicable enough to describe them ?If there is I would love to know it. I would love to shout it from the mountaintops. From shore to shore of this great country. God bless America and may God bless and keep "The American Way"
I want to rant a little about the main stream media. It is the primary information source for most of our country. As much as myself and my fellow bloggers want to think that we are reaching out and touching a lot of people it is a fly spec in proportion to those who turn on Wolf Blitzer or Charlie Gibson . In light of that, our media has a obligation to report as accurately and as truthfully as humanly possible to inform the general public of the facts in each and every news story. Dan Rather did not, and it cost him his career and his network their credibility to some degree. It cost the public the ability to believe what they see or hear on the news. More importantly it has made a nation of cynics out of us. How many times are we charged with the admonition to believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.We are in a situation now where we are engaged in a brutal war to help a nation rid itself of tyrant whose likes have not been seen since Adolf Hitler. The media reports as its agenda dictates as opposed to the truth of what is really going on. We hear stories posted in the msm of how our troops murdered citizens in cold blood. Well as far as I know our troops have not given up their right to be considered innocent until proven to be guilty. Storyies like this turn our peoples minds from the reality of what is going on. The Insurgents will lie to serve their own agenda and have more insurgents swear that it is true.We have been accused of mis- treating our prisoners of war. Perhaps we shoud have Sen. McClain exactly what mistreatment in a POW camp is really like. We have been acused of being ruthless in our dealings with the Iraqi's. I have not heard how ruthless and against the Geneva Convention is the way the two soldiers who were just kidnapped, brutalized, and beheaded the way the insurgents are behaving. And yes Virginia there were Weapons Of Mass Destruction found in Iraq they were trucked to Lybia and are hidden there or somewhere else for use by the terrorists.And how long will it take before the good people of the world understand that it won't be long before the terrorists strike in their homeland. Killing their familys. Our media needs to get their heads all the way out of their collective asses and start telling the truth...... the whole truth .....not just some version that suits their agenda or their bosses agenda or perhaps their owners wallet.We have had two attacks on American soil with nearly 3,000 fatalitys. We better wake the hell up before 3,000 looks like a mere drop in the bucket. Surely the terrorists will go where it is easyest to do the most damage and if our media is willing to convince the public that there is in reality, no problem and the terrorists are really freedom fighters, fighting against all forms of oppression, we better invest in a coffin company cause the body count right here in America will go through the roof.
As promised......I said I would keep everyone informed and I will. The Endoscopy went very well and posed no problem at all. The medical staff was considerate and informative each step of the way. I realized absolutely no pain and the scope never bothered me at all. I suppose it was from the novacain I was given to gargle with prior to insertion of the tube. They also ( as a matter of routine ) did a biopsy of my stomach tissues and the Doc said he expected no problem but still was required to send the sample for analyses. All in all it was painless and easy. I am scheduled the 17 of July for the proctoscope and I hope that goes as well. I understand the worst part of that test is the preparation. Before they let me go home, they gave me two photos with 4 images on each of my about introspection....
Well tomorrow is what seems like step 987 in what must be the worlds longest journey.I am scheduled up for a endoscopy tomorrow. I am waiting on the hospital to call and let me know what time they want me, but, regardless of the time I will be there so that I can step one process closer to my goal. Some time in early July I will also be scheduled for the EWWWWWW, the much dreaded.....Proctoscope. I suppose regardless of needing clearence for my surgery, the proctoscope should be performed on everyone at age fifty to help protect from the possiblitity of colo-rectal cancers.So having dodged this rather blunt bullet and all my aprehension this long I suppose it is time I take it like a a stout heart. I will post on my results as soon as I know them. I`ve heard that you can actualy order a DVD I suppose to show with the rest of the family albums.......................
As I have posted previously one more step has been taken towards my by-pass surgery. I passed my stress test (I'm not sure if that means I have plenty of stress or my stress levels are low)regardless though, I have scheduled for the Endoscopy and Proctoscope .By mid July ,as far as I can tell all i will have to do is get through the physcological evaluation and I will be ready for the surgery. I truly had no idea that it would of taken as long as it has.
I will never look like the guy in the photo that I have posted,nor do I want to . Geeze the guy is as bald as a Q ball!! I have come to terms with the fact that I will never have a athletic body. As a matter of fact I would look silly if I did. But the dream of being fit enough to be able to do things for myself is certainly starting to come into my mind. Perhaps walk the 300 feet or so to the river and fish a little or be able to tie my own shoes. I don't know how I got this fat but I do know that it will be nice being a little smaller. A man can dream can't he?