Monday, June 19, 2006

~STEP 987 ~

Well tomorrow is what seems like step 987 in what must be the worlds longest journey.I am scheduled up for a endoscopy tomorrow. I am waiting on the hospital to call and let me know what time they want me, but, regardless of the time I will be there so that I can step one process closer to my goal. Some time in early July I will also be scheduled for the EWWWWWW, the much dreaded.....Proctoscope. I suppose regardless of needing clearence for my surgery, the proctoscope should be performed on everyone at age fifty to help protect from the possiblitity of colo-rectal cancers.So having dodged this rather blunt bullet and all my aprehension this long I suppose it is time I take it like a a stout heart. I will post on my results as soon as I know them. I`ve heard that you can actualy order a DVD I suppose to show with the rest of the family albums....................... Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

GUYK said...

I have had several of them procto biggy except they will make you fart like a mule in green oats.

Hope all goes well and keep us informed. Take care bro