Saturday, April 28, 2007


As a concerned citizen and a former member of our armed services I watch the news with growing concern for the safety of our troops throughout the world. Our news media and the hollywierd moon bats seem to have zero awareness of the harm they are doing to our military. They are compromising their safety and their effectiveness daily. By claiming that the majority of the American public don't support their effort, they are making huge strides towards de - moralizing our military. As a former Navy photographer in Viet Nam I will tell you folks that there is nothing more difficult than trying to maintain a good attitude about doing the almost impossibly difficult job that was set before you, when all you hear from our media is that we are not being effective and that no one supports your efforts and your sacrifices. That the very people who you are laying all on the line for,don't want or need you and your efforts to help them. I find it almost impossible to believe that not even a handful of media grabbing liberals, who wouldn't understand the difference between freedom and living under the iron fisted rule of a brutal dictator like Saddam was.They seem to promote the wrong assumption that the terroristic acts that are still going on in Iraq,is a direct result of the general citizenry of Iraq. IT IS NOT. They fail to realize that what is going on is a direct result of terrorists. Terrorists that are NOT Iraqi nationals. These people are from as many different nations as you can imagine.
The moon bats try to play on our sympathy for our military and the pain we share when we hear of a loss of life for our military personnel. That is a normal and expected reaction to that sort of terrible news. What kind of person would NOT respond with sadness and dismay when hearing of a untimely death of a brave man or woman that gave their life,their most prized possession to bring freedom to a oppressed nation.

Please America, support our troops. They are doing a almost impossibly difficult job without adequate supplies, in a extremely dangerous area, and coupled with the awareness that our general public seems to not support their efforts, it is more than anyone should have to bear. This issue hits home for me. When I was in Nam the news from home was the Vietnamese didn't want us there, our very own fellow Americans didn't want us there, and perhaps worst of all,what we were trying to accomplish there, had no real value to anyone. It was crap then and it is crap now. Honor our troops there are no finer people in the world. At least that is how I see it hear on Arathorn's Alley!


Michele said...

Even if you don't agree with the war, you can still support the troops that are there to do the job!

Anonymous said...

Looks like another Nam to me. I think we have fucked up. We will never get out of this one.