Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Love Story

I just finished watching a movie called the "Notebook", and I am not ashamed to say that this movie had me in tears. I only wish that people experience the type of love that is displayed in this movie. Absolutely moving. If you ever get the chance to see it do yourself a favor and watch it.


Don said...

You girlie man. :)

Michele said...

I've read the book and have the movie here on DVD, just haven't had a chance to watch it yet; maybe I'll get around to it this afternoon!

Lee said...

I got the book before the movie was made, got halfway through it. Not enough car chases, plane crashes or shootouts to hold me....

Saphyre Rose said...

The movie was shame, a real shame. The book howeveer was great.
Hollywood sucks at everything it does when it gets ahold of a book...except LOTR trilogy.
Read teh original book big brother. Not the book written from the screenplay of the movie. The original book was great.