Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Ten Years Ago..........Today

I remember hearing of a huge explosion in Oklahoma City and wondering what it was about. Ten years later I still don't really have any answers to most of the questions that have been jumping around in my mind, as a matter of fact I think in fact I may have more questions. Although I can't for the life of me imagine why I know less about the whys and wherefores of this situation ten years later then I did when it first occured.At the time of the incident Bill Clinton said " Oh I hope it isn`t of middle east origin" I never understood that then and I still don't. It has so many implications that I would bet the ranch I will never understand just what (aside from where Monica might be) was going through his pointed little head. I don't understand how a truck bomb could cause the type of damage that they say it did.I know a little about explosives having been in the military and also working with them in construction ,mining, and demolition I see more of a shaped charge doing the type of damage to the infrastructure of the building and the truck bomb accounting for the damage to the face. I also still don't understand how Mr. McVey could of been executed for his crimes as quickly as he was. I am not going to plead innocence or guilt for him, that is for the justice system to determine and in my oinion they did. I know that the state has prisoners convicted of a heinous crime and sentanced to death many years before this tradgedy ever occured,and still they exist on death row.Did haste play a part in shutting him up or what exactly was the reason for his rapid demise.
None the less ten years ago today, 19,April 2005 168 human beings( including 19 children) lost their lives at the Alfred B. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. We will never recover from that loss and we will never forget the ultimate cost. At least that is the way I see it here on Arathorns Alley

1 comment:

Saphyre Rose said...

Just the very idea that pea brain said he hoped it wasn't a mid-east problem should tell you he KNEW there was going to be a mid-east problem, but hey! He was getting his bobo honked.