Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Challenge

A challenge has been issued from way up north here in Pennsylvania,more specifically it seems to be centered in Clearfield County.
It seems a local tavern named Dennys Beer Barrel claims they have a burger SOOOO big no one can actually eat it.
This burger is purported to weigh about 15 lbs. The meat weighs in at a hefty ten pounds,plus the bun,and 25 slices of cheese,two large onions,three tomatoes,a medium sized jar of pickles, a whole head of iceberg lettuce, and approximately one quart of a mustard,ketchup,mayonaise combination. This tribute to the Earl of Sandwich is said to contain about 30,000 calories (unverified)
There is a challange to any tag team to consume this behemoth burger called the "Beer Barrel Buster Burger" If it can be eaten in less than three hours by any two people you will win $40.00 cash (may substitute Pepto Bismol Coupons) Two Hats and two stretch tee shirts,complete with Dennys Beer Barrel logo.
Being semi -professional in such challenges, I am forbidden from giving it a go, but I would truly love to see someone do this deed. I`m sure it would do my heart good.

~ Factoid # 3 ~

A red blood cell lives for 80 to 120 days while a white blood cell lasts only a average of 13 days.


Don said...

BAH! I could eat that thing myself in 2 hours.

Or, at least, maybe if I had the bottomless pit I did at that one cookout years ago....

Saphyre Rose said...

Believe it or not, there was an article on this place in our paper waaaay down here in Charleston, SC.
Sounds like a place Lee could try...if they left off the mayo, he hates mayo!
He eats my 2 pound porterhouses with baked potato and he has the nerve to stay under 200. Grrrrr.