Thursday, May 05, 2005

Never Believe the Press

If the numbers are right comming in from Great Brittan, It seems as though Mr Blair will be enjoying another year as Prime Minister. The word from the press was that the Brittish citizens were opposed to Great Brittans support of the United States in the Gulf War in Iraq.
Our press reported nearly the same attitudes as the Brittish citizens and predicted a huge loss for the incumbents BUT it seems like once more the reality of the situation is very much different than the press hoped it would be.
Congratulations Mr Blair and thanks for having our backs.You know you can count on us if the need ever occurs. At least that is the way I see it here on Arrathorns Alley

~Factoid # 4~

The " RH" factor was named for the rhesus monkeys that was used to research blood types

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