News has been recieved from Iraq of the 2,000th soldier killed in Iraq. While 2,000 lives being snuffed out with so much life left to live and promises to give is horribile and should make any Americans blood run cold, I must call on you Mothers and Fathers and Sisters And Brothers to not enter into why we either stay or go from Iraq. I need each and evry one of you to stay strong. To stay the course. Your family member was doing what they believd to be the right thing for the right reasons. They so believed in what they were doing it cost them their lives and it cost each and everyone of you their presense in your lives.
Please support the continuance of our efforts in Iraq. Make their sacrifice mean something. Do NOT cheapen it by calling for our withdrawal. We all feel that one death is too many but reality bites as as it tells us to honor our loved ones who were killed in service of their nation.
2000 Deaths, 4,000 Mothers and Fathers grieving, unknown brothers sisters cousens and aunties.
Who knows the number of loved ones who are affected by this, their friends, co-workers-people who somewhere in the future their lives paths will cross. The untold contributions to medicine,music,poetry,art, or just being a friend.
Listen up America 33,000 men made the roles as casulties of war on the first day of the invasion of France on just Normandy beach. Was Euoropes freedoms more important than those of todays Iraqi? Was the horror of torture and the brutality of Auswietz more horrific than what was commited in Saddams torture camps?
Please America support our troops . Don't make them come home to what I was greeted with when I left Viet Nam . A nation who thought we were bad guys for all we gave A Nation who thought we were crazed killers and drugged out freaks. We weren't. We were your sons and daughters whose family was made to feel ashamed of what we tried to do.We weren`t wanted in Viet Nam and we weren"t wanted here. Don`t do that to these awesome Americans that are giving their all. You didn`t help us them.
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My son is making the military his career, how can I not support him an dthe troops. My blood runs camo colors.
It confuses the hell out of the phlebotomists!
Thanks brother.
Well said, sir!
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