Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Things That Make You Go HMMMMM.......

A mom took photos of her sons 16th birthday party to Walgreens for processing and was arrested as soon as Walgreens employees say what was on the exposures...........A Stripper for the party. It never ceases to amaze me that it is ok to watch someone actually kill someone else or blow their own brains out the backs of their heads or gut themselves in the "Honorable" act of Hari Kari or even pour gasoline on there heads and lite the fire that would burn themselves to a cinder in order to protest a war. All these things are acceptable to view on tv that is made available to the general public. BUT God forbid that we get a glimpse of a human breast the very thing that nurtured and comforted us in the first year or so of our lives. There can be no doubt that America was founded by the Puritans and in most cases we have not progressed one whit. Charges are pending on the Mom who allowed this to occur and in actuality paid the stipper to appear at the party.

1 comment:

Saphyre Rose said...

There shouldn't be any fines. At one time 16 year olds were considered man enough to marry! Does the court system really think this kid hasn't see a pair of bazonkas before?
As for the puritans...why doyou think some withces are still afraid to come out of the broom closet?