Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We The Jury..............

I suppose it is not up to me, or anyone of us, but a jury of his peers to determine his innocense or guilt. I think that it may of gotten pushed all out of purportion due to his notoriety, but, I personally heard him say that he slept with over a hundred young boys and could see nothing wrong with it. I think that on summer vacation all crowded in at aunties beach cottage or everyone gathered to celebrate Christmas or what ever it may be ok to share a bed but to look forward to young boys as regular companions in your bed, there is something seriously wrong. Mr. Jackson needs counseling and I don`t mean legal cause it is apparent he has the best money can buy.Come on Mikie, you "BEAT IT" now get some real help before you screw up someone elses life and end up calling you next bunkie Mr. Bubba Sir.

At least thats the way I see it here on Arrathorns Alley

1 comment:

Michele said...

Well, the verdict was 'not guilty' but that sure don't mean innocent!