Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Things You Did't Know

Back in the day when I used to actually work for a living, we had a band of co-workers who were, to be kind, opinionated., but somehow or another they would say what was on their minds, sometimes with humor, sometimes without. One of their favorite sayings was “It only takes one awwww shit to wipe out a thousand atta-boys. No truer words were ever spoken.
I think that is mostly the case with our media actually reporting what is going on in Iraq. They focus on all the bad things to discredit our efforts there and to make us look bad in the eyes of the world.
Well there are great and noble things going on also. Things they refuse to report. Things that they would rather not have you know. Things that show our troops are human and things that show them in a positive light.
Did you know that 47 countries have re-established their embassies in Iraq? Did you know that the Iraqi current government employs 1.2 million Iraqi people? Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are underrehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schoolshave been built in Iraq? Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating? Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States inJanuary 2005 for the re-established Fulbright program? Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?! They have 5- 100-footpatrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment. Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operationalsquadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transportaircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night,and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 bell jet rangers? Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a CommandoBattalion?Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trainedand equipped police officers? Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over3500 new officers each 8 weeks? Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq?They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroadstations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electricalfacilities. Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have receivedthe first 2 series of polio vaccinations? Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primaryschool by mid October? Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq andphone use has gone up 158%? Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consist of 75 radiostations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations? Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had arecent televised debate recently?OF COURSE WE DIDN'T KNOW! WHY DIDN'T WE KNOW? - OUR MEDIA WOULDN'T TELL US! Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flagburning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs atpresidential motorcades. The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes. It isintended to undermine the world's perception of the United States thusminimizing consequent support, and it is intended to discourage Americancitizens. ---- Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense website.


Michele said...

Reporting only the negative side of any situation isn't reserved for the Iraqi situation; our news meadia seldome reports on ANY positive news, no matter where it happens.

GUYK said...

In the Tampa Tribune Sunday editor opinion pages there was a lenghty article by the Tribune editor who tried to refute the facts, mostly by saying that they had been reported and gave examples. But she could not refute the facts that the good news was buried in a small paragrapgh on a inside page and the spin was headlined and twisted to make the military look inept and losing a war. The same crap happened in Vietnam and if it wasn't for the ones who were there the true story of our miltary victory and political loss would have never been know!

MSM is on the run! Bloogers in Iraq both civilian freelance and military are reporting the truth. MSM can't handle that and every time I pick up a newspaper I see some so called journalist downplaying the bloggers. This more than anything tells me that blogs are the new news media.