Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Things You See.............

I had occasion last evening to go out to take care of some business and along the way we decided to stop and eat our dinner out since it was getting late.
There was a young man who was seated close to where we were. I say young man but he was just past boyhood.He looked enough like Lile Loveitt to be related to him.
I was particularly taken by his tee shirt which had a statement on it which I thought ,while very nearly true,he was very bold to wear.It said APE OD.
I am not one to make fun of a fellow because of his looks but this young man had those craggy features that truy made him look simian. Well,live and let live I always say so I paid no more attention to him.
As they were preparing to leave I once more noticed the young man as he stood.His shirt held in a odd configuration due to him being seated now fell straight and it revealed its mysteries to me. It became obvious his shirt said CAPE COD.
With this revelation he lost his simian appearence and became just one of the youth of America............. Funny, once you get a perception of something all it takes is a slight alteration in it to totaly change what you percieve. No wonder homicide detectives have such a hard job.


Saphyre Rose said...

As my favorite CSI detective always says..."The truth is in the eveidence!"

Saphyre Rose said...

I meant "evidence"!

GUYK said...

LOL but I bet he still looked like an ape, yep.

Michele said...

"What you see is what you get!" I always liked that statement!

Bonita said...

Boy, this is a good example of what we need to do in the world...forget the fragments and wise up to the big picture! I've had a good laugh today, thanks.

Anonymous said...

lile loveitt, cape cod, simian, apes on drugs? Sounds like it was a hell of a trip man.