Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Beginning

Well my friends,today is the ,I suppose, actual beginning of the new year considering that most of yesterday was spent nursing colossial hang-overs so justly earned the night before.
I am saddened due to the fact that my sister and her hubby is spending their last day here before returning to their home. I must say I will miss them and have rapidly become used to them being here and adding to the warmth of my family experience.
I hear them stirring so I must get off here and make some coffe and begin to greet the day..........Be Well!!

1 comment:

GUYK said...

I hope all goes well for you and it is indeed the start of a new life..as you know I started life over some years back when I kicked the alcohol habit and this past year I just about kicked the food habit..learning to eat to live instead of living to eat is harder than learning to live one day at a time without the booze..but it can be done. May the creator be with you and I wish you a very happy New Year.