Saturday, January 13, 2007


Everyone knows those famous words...."A small Step for man ,a giant leap for mankind". Those words will remain famous probably for the rest of time. BUT. Who knows what the second man on the moon said. It is reported that he said "That may of been a small step for that man but it was a hell of a leap for me."This comes to mind because today I am making that "hell of a leap for me" step. I would normally sit around my home and not ever go anywhere unless I absolutely had to. I was,nearly agoraphobic. This is in no way productive behavior. It lead me to gain even more weight and contributed to my problem a lot more than staying at home and resting benefited me. So today I am making another small step. I am going out for the day,or at least the better part of this day. I fully intend to go here, there, and back again. I am planning a trip to Wallyworld to do some much needed shopping and may even take my lovely wife out to lunch at a new Mexican restaurant that I have heard so much about. Wish me well readers. This is my first baby steps towards my recovery and I am SO looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Michele said...

So what did ya buy at Wallyworld and how was the Mexican food?