Tuesday, August 30, 2005

} A Disaster {

My heart goes out to the thousands,perhaps even millions of storm victims.In 1985 I was a flood victem, so I can appreciate what they will experience in the next few hours, days, weeks, and even months.At first it will seem overwhelming. The enormity of it all will be daunting. The fact that almost everything you owned is now destroyed will be overpowering. You will not even have a change of clothing. The flood waters are full of fecal material,chemicals,poisons,mud and who knows what else.
When the water recedes they will be better able to see the extent of the damage.They will be able to tell if their homes can be rebuilt or will they have to consider alternitive housing. That will be the case in many instances.Soon the help will come pouring in . Tetnus shots, warm dry clothing,fresh bottled water to drink,ice,sanitary facilitys. On the surface they are all mundane needs but believe me , it is sooooooo appreciated by these people.Very soon the National guard will show up to patrol the streets to prevent looting as much as possible.They will also assist in removing most of the debri and search for missing people. They will even find some.
The insurance companys are already working on a way to dispute most of the claims. They will call it a act of God so we don`t have to pay. The government will try to help with disaster loans and in many cases they will provide nearly enough money to do most of the work.
In the end of it all the American spirit will shine through and we will rebuild. We will have the super bowl in the super dome all those people who sheltered there will luckily enough may come back to watch the gme.Volunteers from all fifty states will show up to help. There will be so many good things come of this disaster that very soon the horrors of these last few days will pass .It will be back to normal soon. I know it don`t seem possible but it is. I know cause I lived it also.
All of my prayers go out to these people. They want their familys reunited and that will happen more times than we think possible.We WILL survive.


GUYK said...

I am afraid this one may take a while. The areas in Florida who got slammed about this time last year are still not back to normal and Homestead Florida, wiped out over ten years ago will probably never be the same as it was. For many in the south losing a home to any disaster is losing a home that they own forever. So many are retired on a fixed income and cannot afford the hurricane insurance so don't buy it. many are in mobil homes that even if insured when totaled out the insurnace company would only pay a thousand dollars or so-not enouh to buy a replacement home. It is tough for these folks. Of course it was their decision to take a chance with nature and many are still on the winning side. And, anyone who lives in the south along the coast knows that it is just a matter of time before they are hit. It is part of the price we pay for living here. I think it is worth it but I have some neighbors who already have for sale signs out and are wanting to move back to the snow country.

Arathorn said...

I`ve been flooded twice here and I won't move. some days livin here are just better than other ones.

Lee said...

Do we really want to rebuild New Orleans?
This is a city that is several feet below sea level and still sinking. The next tough storm is going to be another disaster. How many times can you ask the taxpayers and charities to bail them out before they start saying "enough".